Audrey: Hee hee! Yeah, whatever Jacob said!
Lydia: Uh, not so sure about this guys.

Yay, we're so happy to get on the ride!

Mrs. Jane: Smile for the camera, Jacob!
Jacob: Yeah! Rock on!
Audrey: Uh, I guess we're really going on.
Lydia: Can we have a moment of prayer before we take off?

Mrs. Jane: Okay, we're going up, so raise your hands, everyone!
Jacob: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Audrey: Okay, I'll raise my hands, I guess.
Lydia: Hey, this isn't so bad!

Jacob: Not so sure about this, but gonna try to keep rockin'.
Audrey: Uh...uh...uh
Lydia: This is going very very fast, but I will try to smile my way through it and have joy in the Lord.

Audrey: Wow, it's hard to keep my head up while holding on for dear life.
Lydia: Trying very hard to maintain my spirit of joy. I know that God is in control of all things.

Lydia: Whew, I'm glad that's over. God was so faithful to protect us.
Audrey: I don't know what to say.
Jacob: Rock on?