A former high school French teacher, I'm now a stay-at-home wife and mom to our family of 5.

I am married to the love of my life...Mike. We were married on July 27, 2002 after having met when I was 15 years old. He is my best friend and I'm so honored to live this life with him. We've learned so much and God seems to draw us closer through each year we have together. I also still have a crush on him.

I am Audrey's mom. She was born on July 4, 2005 and God has blessed us so much through her humor, silliness, sincere love, joy, energy, creativity, loyalty, and colorful personality. Watching her grow up has been such a mind-blowingly wonderful experience. She lights up our lives so much and she is also a wonderful big sister to her brothers.

I am also Marcus' mom. He was born on June 10, 2007 and the Lord has given us the unique privilege of knowing Him more through him. He was diagnosed with Joubert Syndrome when he was 4 months old and God has lovingly guided us through all the heartache and joy we've experienced through this journey. Much of this blog will be about our experiences in raising our little champ. He is a loving, joyful, bright, eager, affectionate, playful, curious, courageous, sweet gift from God.

I am also Derek's mom. He was born on October 26th, 2010, after getting pregnant "accidentally". The Lord graciously gave us this gift of a 3rd child who is healthy, full of joy, and a living reminder that God hears the cries of our hearts.

Blogging is a hobby of mine. It has served to preserve memories, reinforce lessons learned, keep our family and friends updated, and make new friends along the way. Thanks for reading!