But I have a feeling that even when his body building ministry goes worldwide, we'll still be calling him our baby.

During one of his shows, where he rips phone books for the Lord, Mike and I will be in the stands cheering him on.

We'll be doing fist pumps and give each other high-fives while yelling into a megaphone, "Oh yeah, that's our baby! You go ahead and flex your biceps for Jesus, son! We are so proud of you!" (By the way, don't be jealous of my beautiful mess in the background.)

I'm not sure what this post is about except that I was doing dishes one day and noticed that Derek's diaper was getting loose.

And this mama don't give up opportunities for good baby butt crack photos.

Believe me, I've got some good ones on file because it turned out to be quite the photo shoot. But they aren't very appropriate for the worldwide web and they may diminish the dignity of his muscle man ministry in the future. But if you ever come over to our house, I'll show them to you in person. Hee hee.
That's a pretty cute butt crack. :) I'll post a picture of my beautiful mess and you'll feel 10 times better.
i love crack! also ..at least your mess is beautiful...mine is really the opposite and outta control! love your photos!
Sign me up for season passes to his muscle man ministry!
I have the biggest boner from his sexy ass hanging out
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