Derek is almost 4 weeks old and he's doing a great job of stealing our hearts. What a gift he is! I cannot and must not complain about the lack of sleep or the craziness of having the 3 kids because the Lord has given us this most precious little one and so far, has answered so many prayers. When I hold him, I can't help but pray in tears and thank God for His graciousness, His gentleness, His lavish love in giving us Derek.
Taking care of another newborn baby boy brings back so many memories of when Marcus was little. Putting Marcus' old clothes on Derek reminds me of when I held him and stained those onesies with my tears while trying my best to cast my anxieties at the feet of my Lord. I remember my mom came with me to his very first ophthalmology appointment when he had his unexplainable head tremor and when we thought that he could have been blind. And now seeing my dad walk around with him and hearing my mom say that he is a totally different boy than 5 months ago because he's talking so much now, reminds me of how far we've come in this journey and how faithful the Lord has been in keeping us near the cross.
This time around with Derek, I'm not as scared and anxious and fearful as I was with Marcus. Instead, I'm filled to the brim with extreme gratefulness. I don't think I could be this thankful if it weren't for the valleys we've walked through with Marcus. Derek's got an older brother to look up to and to learn from, and now he's got parents who cannot take his little life for granted.