Psalm 119: 103 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:127 Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold!
Since she doesn't know what honey and gold are, I've tried to bring it to her level. "Audrey, you know how much you love goldfish, cheerios, bananas, and all kinds of food? Well, we need to love God's Word WAY more than these things. His Word is much more delicious and precious!"
Well, now I think I can also add slushies to the list.

Mommy tries to feed her whole grains, fruits & veggies, and limits juice/cookies, etc. Daddy enjoys feeding her smoothies and cake and slushies...with 2 straws! He gets amazed at how long she slurps and still doesn't get brain freeze.
This past month, Audrey was able to hang out with some boys & their toys. Andrew LOVES trains! I don't know if Audrey knows what they are yet.

Nolan jumps and climbs on everything!

She had loads of fun and I'm seeing how different boys and girls are. I wonder if one day, Audrey will enjoy tea & crafts & cooking. We'll see!