Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
As I look back on all the gifts from above, here's a Big Fat What We've Been Up To Lately:
Getting to know Derek better during our mornings alone.

So far, I've learned that he is Top Model material
And that he must always have a beverage on hand, just like Daddy and Auj, the reigning king and queen of thirst.

Getting some fresh air during Audrey's soccer practices.

Seeing Marcus grow so much as a kindergartner.

We had parent conferences recently and were so happy to hear that the kids have been a blessing to their teachers. Academically, they are doing well, but we were so thankful to hear that they are both doing well socially too. I might have cried a little when we heard that Marcus has an "entourage" at school who he has snack with and plays games with. There are a few kids in particular who have an affinity for him and this just makes our hearts overflow with thanks to the Lord.

The kids are liking school and LOVE their teachers, but we might have ditched school one day just to be together.

We did lots of soccer game watching.

Correction: I did a lot of babysitting, breaking up fights, and shoving the boys with treats so as to avoid tantrums on the sidelines.

Then came the fall harvesting. Now, I think the only reason Mike's mom comes over is to stock up on her persimmons. J/K. Kind of.

We did some bridal showering for Miriam, Mike's sister, who is getting married next month! Woohoo!

Derek turned 2 and we had an impromptu little birthday celebration for him at home.

This year's Halloween was probably the most fun ever.

I'm not sure if it was because the kids were older or because I was reliving my childhood through them, but I remember thinking, "This is REALLY fun. I hope my kids remember this."

But perhaps the only person that had more fun than me was CA Grandma. Was she doing a rain dance in the middle of the pumpkin patch with her favorite grandchild? Yup. Uh huh.

Trick or Treating in our neighborhood was the highlight for me.

As soon as we got Derek to stop screaming in unbridled excitement, we headed out and collected our loot while falling more in love with our little community.

Note to self: always buy glow sticks for the after-party. They were a huge hit.

After Halloween, we did a little nature exploring.

And again with some friends.

Derek's been bonding with Cousin Norah.

And hopefully bonding with his Mama too.

And finally, we've been re-acquanting ourselves with our backyard after the late September heat finally bowed out and the crisp fall weather set in.

Thanksgiving is this week, which is the perfect frame in which to set these snapshots of the past month or two.

1 comment:
I'd missed your posts so I'm so happy for all of the photos! The one of Marcus on the pumpkins??? Hands down my fave! I've never had persimmons, I live a sheltered life out here in Maryland. For some reason I thought persimmons were flowers. Duh. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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