It feels like just a few months ago that 2006 started, but now we're already in the 4th day of 2007. I feel like time goes faster as I get older. I was staring at Mike one morning as I woke up and I couldn't believe that I met him when we were just silly, very immature teenagers, and now we're married, having kids together, and living out our thirties (well, not me yet)! By God's grace, we're 2 very different people now than we were when we met, and hopefully growing more mature every year. I'm very thankful.
In C.J Mahaney's book
Humility: True Greatness, he quotes another man who said, "Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not easily grow." That's so true. When I'm ungrateful, moaning, griping, complaining, discontent, I know I'm a very ugly person and hardened by pride. That's so scary. I want to cultivate greater thankfulness this year so that I can be more humble. I'm sure the Lord will provide many opportunities to practice it during difficult situations. Lord, give me grace!
A couple things I'm currently thankful for (besides God, the Bible, etc.):
1. Health: our family battled colds, the flu + a stomach virus this past month (just like the rest of our church!). It's good to have all 3 of us relatively healthy again. Praise God! I'm actually also grateful for the chance to depend on God during those times.
2. Cornerstone: Every week, being with my brothers and sisters at church is SO sweet. Hearing our elders speak to our church during 2nd hour recently has also been a huge blessing. So thankful for them and all our other leaders who labor for us and love us so much.
3. Family: A source of much grace...can't even put it in words. Too long for xanga. Random side-note: I started feeling the baby move on Sunday and he/she's been non-stop ever since.
4. Breyer's strawberry ice cream: a perfect after-dinner snack.
5. Funny things on our xanga blogring...although it's been a little slow lately. Can you all do something about that?
I leave you with an example of how we spend our time at home. No, we don't eat pho and have worship practice all day. We just do this:
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