He was lurking behind the bushes by our front door when Audrey and I got back from the grocery store today. As I let Audrey into the house, I saw him jet inside. This lizard gained some weight since we last saw him. Not only was he bigger, but wilder, faster, and more feisty. Glory and praise to our sovereign God who providentially had a neighbor walk by just as I screamed. He asked if he could come inside to help, to which I responded with a desperate "yes!" and then I got him a broom. As I watched him battle the lizard, I don't know what I looked or sounded like, but Audrey could sense my fear and asked me to hold her. So the two of us hid out in the kitchen while my neighbor tried to sweep the creature out the front door. It was quite a fight, though, because this guy did NOT want to leave. After a few minutes, my neighbor (who worked up a sweat) got the lizard out and I thankfully shook his hand and expressed my deepest gratitude.
Whew! What would I have done if my neighbor had not walked by? I am SO thankful to the Lord for two things today: helpful neighbors & brooms.
I wonder when Lizard Jr. will make his next siege on our house. What if next time he has kids and brings them too? I must not be anxious. The Lord has delivered me 3 times already. I must trust in Him.
My doctor told me today that Baby's head is down now (which explains some of my achiness) and that he's a pretty good-sized one. He's due to arrive next month, so I guess God is putting his finishing touches on him before he joins the family. We're really excited to meet him! I'm a little anxious about sharing a room with him in the beginning, especially since Mike has to go to work. But hopefully, Mike's selective hearing (which all father's have) will kick in and he'll get enough rest for his work day.
Mike's mom came to visit from Maryland and spent the past 2 weeks with us. She left this morning and thankfully I was wearing my sunglasses when I dropped her off, because I got teary when we said our good-byes. Before marriage, I never thought that I would cry when saying bye to my mother-in-law, but God has blessed me with such a godly, loving, selfless, considerate mother-in-law, that it's always hard to part with each other especially after a long time together. Thinking about Mother's Day coming up, I'm so thankful for my own mom and for Mike's mom, who are both such blessings to our family.
Here are some pictures of our time together:
Grandma Lee's favorite activity - feeding Audrey.

Newport Beach

Sporting the new shades that Gomo got her.

Sunday at church with beef jerky

Redondo Beach Crabhouse a.k.a. Korea

Next month, we get to see my mom who will come from Hawaii to spend time with TWO grandkids. Yay!
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