1. Audrey asking me after I've yawned: "You tired, babe?"
2. Audrey asking me, "Hey Unni ("older sister" in Korean)! Can I call you Unni?"
3. Audrey: "F makes the sound "f f f f f f" like "pho".
4. Realizing that everyone in my family dances way better than me. My kids have inherited Mike's natural rhythm. See Mike's Facebook for clips of Audrey dancing - OR - come over during dinner and watch my children dance live. (Some families memorize scripture during dinner...we perfect dance moves.) Even Marcus has a mean pelvic thrust.
Maybe they dance better than me because they study clips of the Jabbawockeez on You Tube together.

Oh. Dad, look at that move. Let's try that one.

5. Seeing Marcus distinguish between a trapezoid, a pentagon, a hexagon, and an octagon and place them in the appropriate spaces. Pretty amazing for a boy with a vision impairment and fine motor challenges, eh?
6. Discovering that Marcus loves to soak up new things. One thing we've noticed is that he LOVES to learn. He recently learned his colors and right now, he's hooked on "Super Why" and "Letter/Reading Factory". At times, we'll write down some vowels and he'll sound them out. I have a weird feeling that he already knows how to read, but just can't tell us yet. He also has a crazy memory. I used to read 1 Peter to him real frequently and it ended up being a favorite of his. After almost a year of not reading it to him, I came back to it recently and he remembered it by making the same smiley face he used to.
7. A little more serious...but I've discovered how easily I get discouraged/depressed and yet how lavishly the Lord sends encouragement and blessing. (sigh) I hope to expound on this another time.
8. Accepting the fact that it takes 900 tries to get a good pic of the kids together.
Take 1 - Itchy nose

Take 2 - Let's tickle her

Take 3 - The tickling is working

Take 4 - I'm a rascal and she is too

Take 5 - Just weird

Take 6 - Even weirder

Take 7 - I can tickle without even trying

Take 8 - I can't contain myself when she hugs me like that

Take 900 - I guess this one will do