2. I'm thankful for the awesome VBS our kids got to participate in last week. I got to join Marcus in his class and was floored by how Teacher Jean was able to relay such wonderful truths to little 3 year-olds. I was very blessed. Audrey also came home talking about what she learned and it was obvious that it was a special time for her.

3. I'm thankful for the summer weather and being able to dip in the pool.

Audrey's been taking swim lessons with her bud Jacob. She is by far the worst swimmer in the class, but she thinks she is HOT STUFF when she slightly dips her face in the water.

4. I'm thankful that Marcus started at his new school yesterday. The teacher said that he had a great first 2 days and that he's acclimating well to the class. Marcus is also doing well in his new walker and actually says "walk, walk" because he wants to strut his stuff to the classroom rather than being pushed in his stroller.

5. I'm thankful that Marcus has managed to use the potty a handful of times now. This morning, after he flushed the toilet, he said "Bye-bye, pee-pee."

Seriously, dude. That message is still rockin' my world.
Loved the pix from VBS!!! Let's set up a Holmes date soon!!
thanks for sharing! i'm so thankful for all of these things too! it's such a sweet blessing to see ur family grow in every area!
love the wet face pic of marcus. i miss him..can't wait to spend a whole weekend with the guy. even tho he and norah will probably be fighting the whole time :)
I loved the picture of Marcus in the pool as well - he looks so happy! Praise God for the many blessings!
So fun! i LOVE that you took a pic of him on the toilet! I'm so glad his first days of new school were good, it's always encouraging to know that there are good teachers out there!
aaawesome, love these thankful posts! and so exciting to see marcus doing well at school/on toilet and audrey doing well dipping her face in the water (and being the rocket)! haha :)
awww. i love thankful fridays and your lovely pictures! i esp love that last pic. hehe....so cute!
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