2. Last weekend, Mike and I went on a date to celebrate our anniversary. I love my kids to death, but boy was it nice to talk and eat with my husband without munchkins around. But then, we get home from dinner and mess with them while they're sleeping. Oh, the paradox of parenthood.
Here's Auj, hugging us as we're leaving.

3. Mike has found the perfect cure to CSB (Childhood Summertime Boredom). You take them outside and spray them with icy cold water.

Isn't Mike such a great dad?

4. Today, we get to go to Mike's annual company picnic at the Back Bay of Newport Beach. Free food and free fun in the sun. Yeah!
Edit: We won a new Samsung LCD TV at the company raffle! Double Yeah!!!
that one picture of marcus partly covering his face looks eactly like my brother's childhood pictures!
i think it's the squinty chinky no eyes smile that's the same.
LOVED the previous post, what a Father we have to be able to meet each of our needs personally and perfectly! AND- LOVED this post, so cute! WHAT A ROCKIN' WIN at the raffle! Praise God!
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