But indeed, life continued on and we're still going strong with "normal".

Maybe even better than normal.

And as our kids carry on with their typical kid activities, I find the normal things they do seem peculiarly more special to me.

Sometimes I wonder if they sense the perpetual heaviness in our hearts. Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't. In either case, they seem like they're doing alright.

And although I can lose myself in spirals of Mommy Guilt for not doing this or that for them, I know in my heart that they are blessed beyond measure. For the Lord holds them and their parents in His giant, safe, powerful, loving hands.

They are so sweet!!! LOVE Marcus' shoes. BTW- Auj really looks like "Bi" in those face shots, just sayin.
oh that 3rd picture of derek smiling is so sweet and made me chuckle! and i love how marcus and audrey are BFFtight.
"For the Lord holds them and their parents in His giant, safe, powerful, loving hands." - You said it sister! And the look on Audrey's face shows she believes it.
They are in such good hands, they are well cared for. God love them! xoxoxox
Loved having a normal McDonald's playdate with you today!
thanks for reminding me to stop and be thankful for these normal, chaotic days...we'll be crying on each other's shoulders through their teenage years in a blink of an eye!
totally lookes like bi in one of the pics...all the pics are so cute
love all the pics!
Of course they are so blessed because they have you as a mommy too! :)
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