To say these women are my college friends would be quite an understatement. Yes, we all lived together for a few years during our time at UCLA, but I've known Joan (picture below on the right) since 8th grade and I think I probably slept over at her house every other weekend from 9th to 10th grade. Jenny (middle) and I went to the same church in 5th grade, then lost touch until we met again in college. She and Jeanne(left) had known each other since high school (or earlier?) and when we met while dorming during our freshman year, we hit it off from the start and now Jeanne and I live 5 minutes away from each other. So really, the three of them span my life from elementary school to adulthood. We know each other deeply, have shared so many life-changing experiences together, and I pray God allows our friendship to grow for the rest of our lives.

About 2 years ago, we decided that instead of giving each other birthday and Christmas presents, we'd all put money into an account so that when we had enough saved up, we could treat ourselves to a trip or at the very least, a yummy dinner at a nice restaurant. Well, we thought it was time to cash out the moneypot and it happened to coincide with a time when none of us were about to give birth or attached at the hip to a nursing baby. How did we spend it?
One luxurious night at The W Hotel in Hollywood.

Full-body massages at the Bliss Spa.

Blu Jam Cafe, Crustacean, Milk, Grub, Young Dong Korean Restaurant

Makeovers by Jenny

Reading magazines and snacking on junk before bed

The Hunger Games and shopping at the Grove

My favorite? Laughing till i either cry or want to wet my pants.

And talking about our trials, and then being in awe of how the Lord has revealed more of Himself to us through those times.

I wish I could tell you each of their stories. If I could make our lives into a miniseries, it would be our own Joy Luck Club and then some, no doubt about it. Each of my friends are so dear to me, not only because we've seen each other through weddings and baby birth stories, but because they've gladly taken my burdens and cried with me in love. I only hope I've done the same for them. I know Jesus better because of them and that, along with the fun times and good food, makes for great friendship. Looking forward to growing our pot for next time!

Sue, this post made me smile from ear to ear and really miss girlfriends who live so far away. I am so glad you made time for yourselves and each other and what a lovely way to treat yourselves. What a fanatstic idea! Kind of made me miss Cali too :)
You captured all my thoughts in that post (and demotivated me to write in my own blog). I love you guys so much! And I think I may have to go back to Anthro for that dress ;)
Reading this made me tear up! So thankful for the sweet gift of friendships the lord had given you. I especially love that pic of Jenny reading US magazine lol!
love it! such a good account. thanks so much for capturing the moments on camera and in pen. :) love you! experiencing withdrawal still...
love the recap! what an awesome blessing of friendship that God has given all of you! so sweet to see you guys enjoying your time together away from your families, even if just for a couple days! :)
What a blessing you guys are! I hope we grow old and gray together and can't wait til we have albums of pics from all the trips we have taken! love all of you guys!
so much fun! glad u had a wonderful time! <3
ah looks like an awesome jam-packed little getaway! love the recap, and love the pics, sue! :)
so awesome! enough said.
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