Thank you, everyone, for all your prayers and encouragement during the pregnancy and now as we are the grateful parents of our sweet baby girl. We are enjoying much blessing having her in our home and everyday, we're just so in awe of God's handiwork in bringing her to us. She is 11 days old as of today. It's definitely been a huge learning curve for us as brand new parents, but we're getting to know her and she's getting to know us more and more each day. The sleepless nights and the "what do we do now?" moments are causing us to depend on the Lord in ways we've never had to before. And He's so faithful in answering our prayers because it's getting better and better as days go by. Please join us in praying for her salvation, that He would draw her to Himself as a worshiper of Christ and that He would cause Mike and I to faithful teachers of His Word as we live it out ourselves.
Now, for the pictures! Here's one of the last pictures Mike and I took together before Audrey arrived. I think we took this either before the Pitocin (labor-inducing drug) kicked in, or after the miraculous epidural. That's probably why I was smiling on the bed. Hee hee.

Audrey entered the world on July 4th, 2005 at 7:53 AM. She measured 19 inches and weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. The Lord definitely gave us much grace during the labor to be able to push her out. Mike was the best coach ever and helped me through every contraction. It was an experience the two of us will never forget. Here he is, cutting her umbilical cord!

We got to bring her home after spending two nights at the hospital. Here she is, getting ready for her first car ride!

Here is a Mommy's view of our little girl while nursing. Although breastfeeding is not the easiest thing to learn, I'm really enjoying the time to cuddle with her and feed her. She's a great eater!

Mike has the magic daddy touch on Audrey. When she's fussy, he holds her and calms her down in an instant. She's already Daddy's little girl and Daddy LOVES cuddling with her!

Audrey had a bit of jaundice when she came home and so the doctor had her go through some phototherapy using special bililight blanket pads that she had to wear for 24 hours each day for a week. She was such a trooper! Here's a picture of our little gloworm.

Because of her jaundice, the nurse came by every morning to draw her blood. Here is a picture of her little tiny foot. We think she has Mike's feet. Can't you tell from looking at her vienna sausage toes?

Audrey would like to invite you all to her toga party!

Daddy gave Audrey her very first sponge bath. He did a great job and she was a good sport, although it was a bit shocking to her. We're looking forward to putting her in the bathtub for next time, since her umbilical cord has fallen off now. More pictures of naked wet baby coming soon.

She was happy that the bath was over. Here she is, cuddling with Daddy while drying off.

Looking at these pictures, Mike and I can tell that our girl is growing up so fast because she already looks a little different. It brings me to tears thinking about her growing up! I think we're going to be enjoying and capturing every little moment with her. Praise God for this precious gift! Again, please pray with us, that her heart would be soft to His Word and that we would be faithful parents and followers of Christ.
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