All his therapists have different hypotheses on why he has these issues. They also have some ideas on how to help him, but there are no fixed answers. Some parents of typical boys have told me of their own struggles with their children as well. So we know it's a mixed bag of sensory & developmental difficulties, as well as the plain fact that Marcus is a son of Adam.
As his parents, we feel completely helpless. It's humbling to think that I am his mom, and yet I can't figure him out and I can't help him at his most desperate times. But God says that even in this, our boy is "fearfully and wonderfully made". All the issues I try so desperately to seek answers to, all the google searches, all the questions I've asked to other parents have seemed to fall short. My comfort is that his Creator knows Marcus inside and out, and for some reason, He has created Marcus with these challenges in love and for good.
I found myself holding my boy, crying out to the Lord in full-tear mode this week. Since I can't figure him out and I for sure can't "fix" him, it's only right for me to beseech the only One who can. And until the answers appear (if they ever do), my heart is forced to rest in His love.
Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?

thanks for sharing, unni. praying for you this week! what a comfort to know that the Lord knows ALL things perfectly, and loves and cares for our children infinitely more than we do. love you!
Thanks for sharing Sue...such a good reminder of how my heart should always be with my girls- dependent, and utterly helpless before the throne.
We love totally love and pray for you guys often...
always so encouraged by your posts!!! we love the lees and will continue to pray for you guys.
Such an encouraging post Sue. Thank-you for sharing your heart. You are such a godly example of what it looks like to have joy and trust in the Lord in all circumstances. I'll be praying for you...
Thanks so much for sharing, sister! You continue to be an example to me of trusting in the Lord during trying times. Love you!
IN the midst of this busy day, thank you for causing me to pause and give thanks for His goodness and perfect ways and will. Love you, sister! Thanks for fighting the good fight!
thanks for sharing Sue! And above all, thanks for persevering in the Lord.
What a beautiful perspective. That one's going to stick with me for a while. :)
Thank you for sharing this. What a beautiful reminder and scripture.
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