Hi everyone! The bell has just rung here at school and that means that I just finished teaching my last French class! The next two days are minimum days for final exams (i love scantrons!) and then I turn in my keys on Friday morning. It's a little surreal. I'm so thankful for so many things. Here are a few things that I thank the Lord for:
1. I'm thankful that God has placed me in such a wonderful working environment these past 4 years. I couldn't have asked for a better place to work. They kids were SO respectful, courteous, and fun to be around everyday! And God really didn't overlook any detail in sovereignly providing this job for me. For example, one year, Mike and I had to carpool everyday and He made it so that my job was only 7 minutes from Mike's work. Isn't the Lord so good even in the little things? Oh, and then there's summer vacation. Who wouldn't thank God for summer vacation?
2. I'm thankful for His patience. I know I've shared in the "Sunday blues" with many of you, thinking about yet another draining work week. Yet despite my many complaints, the Lord was so gracious to me. Every time I asked the Lord for strength to get through the day, He provided abundantly.
3. I'm thankful for the chance to develop relationships with the lost. Some people think that as a teacher, it's hard to share the Gospel with students. But really, so many young people are going through so much trouble in their lives and when they know you're a Christian, they come to you for help. I know I could have been SO much more bold and faithful, but I'm thankful for those times He's allowed me to share Christ with these young ones who need Him so desperately. I pray that my relationships with some of them will continue to develop even when I'm home.
4. I'm thankful for the opportunities God has given me to learn that although I was working, my real job was being a wife. I remember times when I gave myself pep-talks throughout the day saying, "Hey, save up some energy...your real job starts when you get home!" I wasn't perfect at it, but it was a good lesson to learn.
5. Now, I'm thankful for the chance to prepare for my new career...being a stay-at-home wife and mom.

Soon to come...pictures of Jeanne and Andrew (so cute!) and Jane's upcoming graduation from UCLA!
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