In 2009, Audrey:
- stopped talking with a lisp, which is why we don't hear "printhetheth" anymore. (translation hint: think Cinderella, Belle, etc.)
- stopped sucking her thumb (for the most part)
- learned to read
- grew in love for her brother and became more nurturing
- realized that she's a girl and thus, likes girly things now

In 2009, Marcus:
- went from absolutely immobile to belly crawling, crawling on hands and knees, walking with a walker, pulling to stand, standing with support, and cruising
- started talking and now he has a handful of functional words, while attempting many new words on a daily basis
- learned the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers
- started school
Although I'm so thankful for the neat changes we've seen in our kids, I'm most blessed by the change God brought about in me and my man.

In 2009, Mike and I:
- learned the good news of the Gospel again and truly experienced it in our hearts
- were pulled from our despair, bitterness, anger, and depression, to receive hope, rest, joy, and peace
- were confronted with our idols only to learn that Jesus really is better
- were floored by God's amazing and unfailing love through His Son
I'm so grateful that the Good News of Jesus is available to us on a daily basis. Our hearts wander so often and we are still prone to the despair that swallowed us in years past. But this year, I see that God has tethered our hearts to His love and the security of knowing that Jesus paid it all on our behalf.
Hoping that at the end of 2010, I can say that we've grown in loving our Lord more.
Happy New Year to you all!