"Good Morning"-ing

Morning bottling

Morning reading

Morning sitting with excitement

Morning cuddling

Arts & crafting

(I am NOT one of those moms who do a ton of crafts with the kids. I'm not creative AT ALL. To be honest, I have the kids do art so that maybe, just MAYBE, it will occupy them for half an hour and I can do my bills.

But it usually takes more time to set up than actually doing it and Marcus is usually needing me to help him the whole time. Bills, schmills...but still worth it!)

Barnes & Nobling

Asking Mommy to read a book on managing personal finances

Buying a chapter book with her own birthday money

Not reading yet, but waiting patiently

Enjoying the beautiful, mild, Southern California summer

Sharing a cup of yogurt

Declaring, "Best Dessert Ever!" and eating his whole share by himself without asking for any help from Mommy (for the first time)


Water fountaining

Drum practicing with Dad


Losing more teeth

cant wait to see her new smile today
I love how they're in their pajamas still while doing crafts! And the fountain pic. :)
I LOVE IT! I love how Auj and the Champ look like they have the same tooth missing! LOL Why is Derek such a cute gangsta!
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