But now we are proud owners of a mini-accordion. I wish I could have caught on film his initial reaction to seeing it on Sunday. Just imagine gigantic toothless smile, bouncing knees, high-pitched squeal, and a desperate attempt to get rid of the half-eaten beef jerky in his hand so that he could touch the keys.

On the whole ride home from church, he talked about how much he wanted to play it when he got home. "It's so beautiful," he admired. And play it when he got home he did. From 2:30pm until he went to bed, he went to town on that thing, with only two 20-minute breaks for a snack and dinner. The kid was focused. His arms were probably sore.

But did he care? No. Because after his last bite of breakfast the next morning, he went at it again.

Please acknowledge that there are sound effects to these pictures. This instrument is LOUD. And not only that, since he doesn't know how to really play it yet, it sounds like a haunted version of the Disneyland carrousel. I was on some business calls while he was playing and had to yell in order for the lady on the other line to hear me with my son's crazy polka music bumping in the background. And I was a little scared when the drywall estimate guy came over later that day, praying that Marcus wouldn't pick it up and decide to do a little recital for the stranger at our house. Thankfully, he didn't and it spared me having to shout at the man so that he could hear me while Marcus was oompa-pa oompa-pa-ing in the living room.
Everyone got their turn with the new instrument. Marcus let Audrey have a few turns and even let Derek admire it from afar. He was very interested, hence the curled toes.

I thought he was gonna try to play it too.

But it turns out he just wanted to suck on the metal buckle while his brother moved the instrument back and forth.

And my favorite example of how this accordion is bringing our family together? The average man will spend his Monday evenings watching football on the couch with beer in hand. Not my husband. He spent Monday night having to play the accordion for his son.

As for me, I'm gonna go to bed now and get ready for day 4 of Oktoberfest tomorrow.
So funny and adorable! I like how flexible Marcus has to be to play it! And I think it's hilarious that Donna gave it to him- perfect!
Man, you and Mike have some seriously strong musical genes! It's ao awesome how much he's loving the accordion. Love it!
Just in time for Oktoberfest too!! This and the Lederhosen would make the perfect costume.
i had fun playing with it too. it's addicting!
haha yeah for some reason the fact that it's from donna makes it even funnier :) norah's gonna be scared of the accordion this weekend...i just know it!
Oh Sue!!! This made me chuckle out loud!!! And the fact that my husband played the accordion growing up makes it even funnier for some reason. Bless his dear, musically inclined heart!!
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