He had an impromptu photo shoot one day. Of course, he snapped pics of his beloveds

Our humble tree

My feet

Me playing his first love

And then he wanted to just takes pictures of his ol' lady.

I don't know how to work a lens unless I'm behind it, so I felt weird just smiling and taking beauty shots. I mean, how many different ways can one smile? So in order to oblige him, I had to improvise.

Tyra would never call me fierce, so I went with this instead.

It's so sad that there are already so few pictures of me and now I get to add these to our archives.

Our children will look back on these pictures, wondering what Mom looked like when they were kids and voila, they'll see this.

But I feel the most sorry for my husband.

He may have told people that he's married to a sweet, demure little thing.

So now that I'm pinning myself as a freak on the world wide web, I'm afraid that Mike's reputation will be on the line.

Honey, I love you.

Just think back to the days when you thought I was cute.

If you're embarrassed, I promise I'll go to the mall and take some Glamour Shots and post them on your Facebook wall.

But at least I had on a little bit of makeup.

And wore my nicer sweats.

I love you so so much. And I'm honored that you want to grow old with me.

And call me your one true love, your greatest treasure in this life.

Because that's how I feel about you.

Alright, done with the photo shoot.

The photographer gives his smile of approval.

I normally don't ask for feedback on my posts, but would you mind commenting, texting, calling, writing me a letter, messaging me on Facebook, sending me a telegram to let me know that you're still my friend? If you're new to my blog and don't know me in person, have I just shooed you away? Were you expecting deep lessons on raising a child with special needs and now you're just appalled? Let me know. Thanks.
To relieve you of your utter disgust, I leave you with someone far cuter.

Okay, I'm going into hiding now. So long.