Big D was testing out his new walking legs while Audrey was quarrying her rocks for her fledgling business (see previous post for details).

Marcus was enjoying the fresh air as well, cruising around like he knows he's hot stuff.

Little by little, we started walking further from our house.

Farther than Marcus has ever walked from our front door.

And that's when Mike and I realized we were on a walk.

Like a "we're not pushing a stroller", real kind of walk. So we headed for the college behind our neighborhood, not really sure how far we'd make it. Not really sure how far Marcus would make it.

We'd tried things like this before, but Marcus either couldn't steer himself well enough, lacked endurance, or preferred to be pushed around. But this time, there was no coaxing involved. It all came so naturally and Marcus was just ready.

Audrey, always ready to burn off some energy, led the way.

And Derek was as ready as could be, keeping up the best he could.

We walked on rocks,

And dry grass,

Where we let them loose

On the way back, Big Poppa was the first to get tired

And the Champ's legs started to expire at the last stretch

Although his smile was still going strong

When we got back home, I told Mike that I needed that little outing. Heavy-hearted due to several JS families struggling with severe needs for their children and feeling a general spiritual malaise, I felt like God breathed a little fresh air into me by allowing us to enjoy our first ever family walk. What a typical family would consider normal and unspectacular is to us normal and extraordinary.
It's amazing how special needs has given me a profound appreciation for the details of life that I used to overlook. And it's amazing how God can use these ordinary experiences to water my soul during the weary seasons.

Amen, sister! Super encouraged by your post and the normal things we take for granted.
Soooo proud of Marcus!!!! Thankful the lord always gives you such timely encouragements.
Hooray for the first family walk!!! I love how Audrey and Dad rescued Marcus on the way home!
"I felt like God breathed a little fresh air into me by allowing us to enjoy our first ever family walk. "
Such a refreshing feeling for your soul. He knows just what we need and provides for us.
I am sorry for the JS families that are having hard times right now, they are in my prayers.
love this post!
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