What is it? It's called fake crying.

Especially when I'm trying to get dinner ready so that I can feed my children, hearing crying that's not due to hemorrhaging or being held up at gunpoint is pretty annoying. Can I get an "amen", all you moms out there?

One evening, Marcus was in the other room seemingly rehearsing the perfect cry.

He would change his pitch, tone, put in some dramatic effects, pauses here and there.

I never knew that children actually practiced getting on their parents' nerves.

And the Oscar goes to...Marcus Lee

for his dramatic performance in "Let's See How We Can Get Under Mama's Skin".

Meanwhile, his budding actor brother decides that he is jealous of the camera Mama is holding.

Oh, but hold it, hold it, let's now practice making funny noises with our mouths.

And then, Black Swan enters the scene.

Only to suffer a self-induced concussion.

Oh, but wait, wait...it's also time to make screeching alien noises with the Academy Award winner.

And then there are no words for how the story ends.

My kids are weird. And yours?

that would make for a great movie! and here is your resounding "AMEN, SISTER!"
I love your family, Sue!
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