1. Seeing my daughter jump 1000 waves while screaming off the top of her lungs, and turning back to give me a "hang 10" and cheesy smile after each one. Consequently, she crawled into bed at 5pm that night before having dinner, and conked out till the next morning. Vacationing sure is hard work!
2. Seeing Baby Norah do a face plant on the beach and not care at all that she had on a full-face sand mask. Missed a pic of that one!
3. Having a night on the town with the hubby. In true Lee fashion, we got crazy full and swollen on our all-you-can-eat crab leg date. Then, burned it off with ping-pong and pool.
4. Taking a morning walk with the Lee boys, being drenched by a 3-minute rainstorm, and seeing a rainbow while returning to the hotel. (Poor Audrey had been dying to see a real-life rainbow, but opted out on that walk. Maybe next time, Auj!)
5. Having Marcus walk between me and Mike while our holding our hands...for the first time!!!
6. Sharing our last breakfast and last supper with our parents at the same yummy restaurant by the beach. I can't remember the last Mother's Day we were able to celebrate together in person. SO thankful for you, Mom!!!
7. The biggest overall highlight of the trip: spending a joyous time with my parents and seeing the kids bond with them as well. I can't believe I held back the tears at the airport. My heart is full of extreme thankfulness for this special, special time we had with them.

nice update! so glad you guys got to get some R&R with the 'rents. i went on vacation myself vicariously through your pics. :) praise God for times of rest!
Love that pic of Auj with your mom... so sweet!! Glad to have you guys back, though! :)
ahh, so glad you all had a wonderful trip to Hawaii and time with your parents!
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