So we prayed for grace, and like always, He answered. So far, this week hasn't been as discouraging as I thought it would be. In fact, Marcus did real well during the assessments and I think he may really enjoy his new school come June. We continue to pray that tomorrow's appointment will be an encouraging one and if not, that God would give us greater faith to trust Him.
Most of all, this passage has been an immense encouragement:
Lamentations 3:21-25
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
2. The women of our care group met last night. I'm always so amazed by everyone's vulnerability and through their sharing, I see Christ. It boggles my mind that God loves each of us so intricately and He creates challenges in our lives that are perfectly designed for each of us. I came away marveling at how sovereignly He ordains pain, and how generously He bestows His love on us...even if we may not understand why we are suffering at the time.
3. Marcus has been enjoying his PT sessions and his therapist has been encouraged by the new things he's been up to. Here are some pics of Monday's treatment. Notice that he is coming up to stand on his own (pushing off from a couch cushion) and that he is even standing without support for a few seconds!
Pushing off

Lifting up my torso

Almost there...

I'm upright!

This is FUN!

Standing all by myself!

Woo hoo!

Mr. Mark, are you still there?


It seems like he's trying his best to stand.. hurray!
hey, new blog format - i like :) i miss the kids SO much, seeing these pics makes me happy and so proud of marcus. i'm praying for you!
that is amazing!!!! i'm soooo proud of marcus!!!
Good ones :) way to go, Marcus! He's making such big strides!
congrats to marcus! and praise God for His grace to you this week... that lamentations passage is the very one that comforted me most in the midst of fear & depression. praying for you guys & love you so much!
Way to go Marcus! Another amazing feat! Mr. Mark is doing a great job!
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