I'm loving that I caught Little Beethoven conducting in the bathroom one day.

I'm loving that Mike has this whole week off before he starts his new job next week. Having Daddy home = happy Mommy.

I'm loving that Derek looks like a grownup baby in this picture. He dropped to the 88th percentile in weight and now he's sooooo skinny. Hehe.

I'm loving that at least Derek didn't chew the blinds off.

I'm loving that Audrey WON her first soccer game last Saturday. I cried. Go Ladybugs!

I'm loving that the kids were giggling and sweating right before bed tonight while playing Hide & Seek. I'm totally loving that Marcus thought this was the most top secret hiding spot.

I'm loving that we saw a developmental optometrist for the first time today, who helped us understand a bit more of how complex and challenging Marcus' vision is. I'm loving that we are going to see if prism glasses and a prescription may help him with his posture and balance. I'm loving how cooperative and how mature he was at the appointment today.

I'm loving that although we don't know if or when Marcus will walk independently, God requires us to live by faith. I'm loving that tomorrow is an unknown, but He is with us today. I'm loving that He loves our son more than we ever will.

1 comment:
I'm loving this post and your special family times :)
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